Marina Petrakova
1 min readJul 12, 2022


WebExpo 2022, Marina Petrakova
WebExpo, Marina Petrakova

Some meaningful talks I was impacted for the last time, and I know that many of you can significantly benefit from this material.

Some of you might find these interesting, inspiring, new, and enlightening for your professional and self-development.

Some of WebExpo's talks significantly impacted me this June since I was attending.

1. Successful journeys: Using human-centred design for better wayfinding — essential, clear meta-presentation with easy language explaining people’s behaviour — setting boundaries, conducting experiences to people through building journeys. Gives a deep perspective and understanding, — Good for beginners and non-beginners.

2. Diagnosis: UX Charlatans — How to spot them quickly and stop wasting time, money, and nerves — entertaining, charismatic, and close to the truth — worth watching. I would rather call it a Design standup

3. Transforming the status quo — Bringing in UX & Service Design in a conservative organisation

4. GIT push & GIT impact — The hacker talking about code in easy language — explaining his job through mafia hierarchy is quite fun. Fun and insightful, definitely recommend — even if you are not into IT or programming.

VivaUX, viva #webexpo



Marina Petrakova

Got on the list of Forbes 30 Under 30 while founding health tech startup VREACH & empowering women in tech in Riga TechGirls⚡️