why we both need an innovation

Marina Petrakova
2 min readMay 8, 2019


Have you ever been experiencing very agressive and bad frustration? Or maybe feelings which are constantly let you know “I am bored”? I think it is right moment to start to talk about frustration, innovations and causes, why an inert professional behaviour and challenge lack let us use vitamins or medicine.

Generally human being is built by two processes: first one I call “challenge me or I die ” and second one “do not challenge me, — I die”. What is the difference?

Difference is in energy, which you have to put in reaction, thinking, attention to cause, problem solving and other processes which are always associated with challenging yourself. Brain is taking care of energy which you have or do not have; of actions; of homeostasis. If you save energy — it is good for your future. And bad. If you save energy — that means you do not solve problems — you do not learn — you do not develop systems — you got frustration — you need challenge — you do not challenge yourself because of homeostasis which is needed for your brain — and everything comes around. Is it good? No. It it bad? Not really. It keeps you alive, that`s it.

The problem is, that the unique person, who can constantly and truly challenge yourself — is you. Not your boss, wife or business developer in your startup. It is you. As well as the unique person, who takes care of your comfortable living — is the challenge lack and saving energy by this process.

This is the fact, and it does not mean if you act it does not exist. It is neurophysiology. The only one question you have to ask yourself every day and even maybe every hour you work — do I wanna save energy or make an impact? Primarly for MYSELF.

If the answer is yes — it means you choose to create innovations, think about it or just follow in instagram Elon Musk, which is good for your knowledge too.

If the answer is not — it means you do not challenge yourself in your professional life — you will die.

Because the only way how to learn, develop yourself, motivate, create and make an impact — is NOT saving energy. The more you put in — the more you get inside. INSIDE. And sometimes outside.

But you do not have to thing about outside factors. You can not make an impact. You can make changes to yourself, and it is the only thing you can do.

Innovate. Not save energy and always, always ask yourself — do I wanna die ? Hm, Do not think so. Then I go and innovate. Innovate for myself.



Marina Petrakova

Got on the list of Forbes 30 Under 30 while founding health tech startup VREACH & empowering women in tech in Riga TechGirls⚡️